Judge Lori Jupiter
Division I
Monday through Friday
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: (504) 407-0280
Fax: (504) 558-0950
Minute Clerk: Theodore Hines
Law Clerk: Jessica Orgeron
Court Crier: Secret McCoy
Court Reporter: Kayli Robichaux
All Rules are for 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
You must file a Rule to Show Cause / Order prior to the matter being set on the Court's docket. Mover is required to serve all parties.
Contact the Court if you require a special setting.
No witnesses will be permitted without prior approval from the Court.
Memoranda supporting or opposing motions or exceptions are due eight days before the hearing as required by Rule 9.9 of the Local Rules. Failure to comply with this rule may result in forfeiture of oral argument. Please submit a courtesy copy to chambers via email along with filing it in the record.
Continuances of rules - In order for a rule to be continued, the party requesting the rule must submit written confirmation via fax or email to the law clerk that the adverse parties have been contacted and have no objection to the continuance. The party requesting the continuance should also file a motion to reset along with service sheets and instructions. If there is an objection, a contradictory hearing will take place on the set rule date.
January 9 April 24 September 4 December 18
January 30 May 8 September 18
February 13 May 22 October 2
February 20 June 12 October 16
March 13 June 26 November 13
March 27 August 7 November 20
April 10 August 21 December 4
Virtual Courtroom guidelines:
Mute yourself upon entry into the virtual courtroom until your case is called.
Unmute yourself and turn your camera on once your case is called.
Please have your name as it appears on the pleadings as your ZOOM identification.
Behave as though you are physically in a courtroom.
In the event the Virtual Courtroom is disconnected, remain online and the Virtual Courtroom will automatically reconnect.
While you may call or email to inform the court of a Motion to Continue, a continuance will not be granted via email or over the phone.
A formal Motion must be timely filed.
Conference Call Information:
Conference Phone Number: 504-407-0390
Conference ID: 0286
Conference Pin: 282282