Judge Elroy A. James
Section B
Office Hours - Room 212-A
Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: (504) 407-0350
Fax: (504) 523-4720
Minute Clerk: Desirae Decoux Stevens
Court Crier: Nicole Condoll
Law Clerk: Charles Copetas
Court Reporter: Cynthia Villavaso
*** If you or anyone in your household are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, are currently positive for COVID-19, or are under a quarantine order or recommendation due to COVID-19, please call Section “B” before coming to court. ***
Due to COVID-19 Safety Protocols and State Mandates, hearings scheduled in-person, have been staggered to reduce the number of people in our courtroom.
If you desire the Court to hold the matter via Zoom, you must confer with the opposing party and provide both parties’ email addresses for the Court to send Zoom meeting ID and password information.
If the hearing is scheduled via Zoom Video Conference, the meeting ID and password will be provided in advance of the hearing.
Trials, Rules, Motions and Evictions are scheduled for specific times and may not allow for the immediate hearing of walk-in defaults.
To avoid undue delay in getting your default heard, if Section B is the duty judge, it is recommended that you contact Section B’s law clerk before coming to court to ascertain a good date and time to present for the default.
Alternatively, if your case is allotted to Section B and you wish to take a default outside of Section B’s duty week, we will accommodate a special setting request on our docket. In that case, please contact the minute clerk to schedule your default.
Do not fax anything to the chambers that is more than fifteen (15) pages exclusive of the cover page.
The Judge strictly enforces the Local Rules.
Civil Proceedings
All Rules are set for 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
You must file a Rule to Show Cause/Order before the matter is set on the Court’s docket. The Mover is required to serve all parties.
Please ensure to contact the Court if you require a special setting.
Memorandum in Opposition to Rules is due 72 hours before the hearing as required by Rule 11 of the Local Rules. Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of the right to oral argument.
All requests for a continuance shall include written confirmation via fax or email to the law clerk and minute clerk that the adverse parties have been contacted and have no objection to the continuance.
The party requesting the continuance should also file a motion to reset along with service sheets and instructions. If there is an objection, a contradictory hearing will take place on the set rule date.
Settlement Position Papers are due in chambers at least 24 hours before the scheduled settlement conference and should be faxed to chambers or emailed to the law clerk.
All trials are for 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted. If requested, a Pre-Trial Conference shall be held on the day of the Trial, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Pre-trial Memorandum is due in Chambers five (5) days before the trial date and should be faxed to chambers or emailed to the law clerk.
Judgments must be submitted within ten (10) days of the hearing/trial. Please include the names of all attorneys or parties who need to be notified, including their bar numbers, addresses, and emails, on all judgments. The party preparing the judgment must circulate the judgment and attach a 9.5 certificate, complying with Local Rule 9.5.
If the parties are in disagreement with the judgment, they should request a transcript from the court reporter and attach a copy to their proposed judgment.
After the judgment is signed, the original is filed in the record and a certified copy of the judgment and notice of signing of judgment will be mailed to all parties as per Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure Article 1913. Additional copies of judgments may be obtained from the Clerk’s Office.
Video display systems and ELMO interactive documentation display systems are available for use in our courtroom. These services/tools are available for reservation for a small fee and should be reserved at least 3 business days in advance of the event; all equipment and services are first come, first served. Please complete the video request form on the court's website to make your reservation. CLICK HERE
Eviction Proceedings begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. If a party is running late, please call the chambers and inform the office of your estimated arrival time. If any party is not present when the Eviction is called, that party must immediately report to the Clerk of Court.
Transcript requests should be directed to the Court Reporter, Cynthia Villavaso, CCR, via email at cvillavaso@orleanscdc.com. Please include the case caption, case number, and date of hearing.