Judge Dianne Alexander
Section C
Office Hours - Room 211
Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Phone: (504) 407-0360
Fax: (504) 525-3637
Minute Clerk: Yolanda Robinson Court Crier: Morris A. Edwards
yrobinson@orleanscdc.com medwards@orleanscdc.com
Law Clerk: LaKeisha T. Bruner Court Reporter: Angel Kane
lbruner@orleanscdc.com akane@orleanscdc.com
Rules are heard daily.
Pre-trial Conferences are required for all trials on the day of trial. Pre-trial Conferences begin at 9:30 a.m. for morning trial settings and 12:30 p.m. for afternoon trial settings.
Continuances are granted solely at the discretion of the Judge.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Section 'C's docket is staggered to allow for less density in the courtroom and social distancing. Trials, Rules, Motions and Evictions are scheduled for specific times and may not allow for the immediate hearing of walk-in defaults.
To avoid undue delay in getting your default heard, if Section 'C' is the duty judge, it is recommended that you contact Section C's law clerk before coming to court to ascertain a good date and time to present for the default.
Alternatively, if your case is allotted to Section 'C' and you wish to take a default outside of Section C's duty week, we will accommodate a special setting request on our docket. In that case, please contact the law clerk to schedule your default.