Judge Ethel S. Julien
Division N

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Monday through Friday
9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Phone: (504) 407-0330
Fax: (504) 304-1694

Law Clerk / Court Crier: Alexis Tukes-Jones

Law Clerk
: Kayla Cutno

Minute Clerk: John Burrell

Court Reporter: Lillian Weber


The Judge strictly enforces the Local Rules.


Status Conferences may be scheduled by filing a motion to set a status conference. The court will select a status conference date and mail a joint status conference outline to the requesting attorney. The requesting attorney is responsible for ensuring that the joint status conference outline is completed and submitted to the court on the morning of the status conference.


All motions to continue trials shall be filed not less than 30 days before the trial date. Any motions to continue filed within 30 days of the trial date will not be considered until the pre-trial conference on the morning of the trial.

All motions to continue must indicate within the motion, the date of trial, and whether or not there is any opposition to the continuance.

Rules: may be continued by consent or by contradictory motion. And opposition must be stated within the motion.

Motions to set for trial: when the motion to set for trial is submitted to the court, a notice will be issued to all counsel of record-setting a pre-trial conference, whereby cut-offs and a trial date will be set.

Pre-Trial Conferences: the court requires a joint pre-trial outline to be filed and one copy submitted to the court three days before the pre-trial conference.