Employment Opportunities

Court Crier

 The First City Court of Orleans Parish is seeking to fill a full-time Court Crier position for Section “A”.  Position requires excellent communication skills; must be proficient in Microsoft Office applications and be able to effectively operate other database applications; ability to multi-task and prioritize duties; must be professional, prompt and dependable.  Other duties include: Open Court and monitor Courtroom conduct of parties; maintain the Judge’s bench and Courtroom with a docket; enter dispositions in Case Management System; prepare evictions; complete Judgements of Evictions and Dismissals of Evictions; prepare Notices of Signing Judgments; maintain monthly Evictions, Hearings and Trial log; assist with walk-ins and answering telephone calls.  Mail cover letter and resume to:  Judicial Administrator                                                                                                                                                                                                             Judicial Expense Fund                                                                                                                                                                                                             421 Loyola Ave., Room 320                                                                                                                                                                                                     New Orleans, LA  70112                                                                                                                                                                                                         Fax to 504-592-9279 or email to resumes@orleanscdc.com.

Law Clerks and Internship Opportunities

The Judges of the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans and First and Second City Courts of New Orleans hire their own staff directly. Individuals who are interested in serving as a law clerk for a judge at the Court or who seek an internship opportunity should send an application and letter of interest directly to the judge with whom they would like to work. An application includes a one-page cover letter, resume, transcript, writing sample, and a list of references. The listing of judges for each Court may be found on the homepage of this site.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement

The Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans and First and Second City Courts of New Orleans provide equal employment opportunities to every applicant and employee. This means that we base every hiring decision solely on an applicant’s demonstration of ability, experience and training, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, veteran status, or any basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law. This policy is not limited to the hiring phase of employment. It is applied to all employment matters including recruitment, evaluation, promotion, transfer, training, compensation, benefits, discipline, termination, and layoff.